All-natural Detox & Cleanse
Enjoy the detox benefits of the original Iaso® Tea in an all-natural instant formula and lose up to 5lbs in 5 days.* This proprietary blend is equipped with three incredible, all-natural extracts and combined with Nutriose® FM06 (a soluble dextrin fiber) to help suppress your appetite.
Popular benefits of this cleansing formula include weight loss & weight management, a boost in energy, mental clarity, improved skin, and gentle cleansing of your intestines and internal organs.
Iaso® Tea Instant Our unique blend is intended to provide gentle colon cleansing and natural body detoxification. Iaso® Tea Instant provides several all-natural and organic extracts well known for
its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. The addition of soluble fiber in Iaso® Tea Instant’s formula is designed to reduce appetite so you will feel fuller after eating. Iaso® Tea Instant works synergistically with Total Life Changes® full line of health and wellness supplements. Consuming the tea before meals will begin to affect the stomachs “stretch receptors” which send a message to the brain that food is present. The soluble fiber enters the digestive tract after consumption, causing hormonal signals to be released to the hypothalamus (which controls the body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms). Both of these signals will continue to be released as your meal is consumed, thus creating a “feel-full factor” sensation within the brain.